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Future Performances

Past Performances
March 17th 2018:  Doug & Seiko will perform a concert at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Kirkland Washington. The concert will feature music from our CD "Two Hearts" as well as some favorites. We will also be joined by three friends to join Seiko for a quartet. Seiko will also sing a duet with Halley Belle (Daughter of Cori Bell our friend and accompanist).
Doug & Seiko Werts
Doug & Seiko Werts
February 10th 2018: Doug and Seiko returned to Northcreek Retirement Community for an afternoon of "Romance".
December 31st 2017: Doug & Seiko performed a concert at Northcreek Retirement Community. The concert featured some of our original compositions along with some favorites for New Years. We had so much fun and were asked to return soon.

Coming Concerts

Seiko's Heart Holiday Concert 2024 flyer DRAFT.jpeg

Past Performances

Seiko's Heart Holiday Concert 2022
Doug & Seiko Werts
Summer Air in the Woods Concert 2019

October 2018:

Seiko  had 4 performances in Hiroshima Japan when she was there for a short two week trip. She sang as part of a memorial performance for her friend and mentor Kodama Yoshiyuki. She also performed for an energetic group of kindergarteners. She gave a performance at the International Gospel League nursing home where her mom had been. Finally she gave a worship through music at Emmanuel Hiroshima Church.

Seiko's Japan Concert
Performer in Japan
Seiko perform inHiroshima Japan
Doug & Seiko Werts
Two Hearts Concert 2018 Poster

March 17th 2018:  

Doug & Seiko will perform a concert at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Kirkland Washington. The concert will feature music from our CD "Two Hearts" as well as some favorites. We also were joined by three friends who joined Seiko as a quartet. Seiko will also sing a duet with Hayley Belle (Daughter of Cori Bell our friend and accompanist). Seiko was joined by Heather Arnold in singing a beautiful rendition of the Flower Song.

August 2018: Summer Air in the Woods

Doug & Seiko offered the opportunity of some of our friends to perform at a house concert hosted by our dear friends David and Cathy Hughes.  The concert theme was "Ensembles" based. No solos. And it featured instrumental pieces as well as vocal. It was so fun to see what a talented group of friends we have.

February 10th 2018: 

Doug and Seiko returned to Northcreek Retirement Community for an afternoon of "Romance". During this concert they performed over twenty love songs. The residents danced and had a great time.

December 31st 2017

Doug & Seiko performed a concert at Northcreek Retirement Community. The concert featured some of our original compositions along with some favorites for New Years. We had so much fun and were asked to return soon. They did a countdown for the New Year and dance and enjoyed themselves. It was fun to watch this group of senior citizens having fun!

October  2017: 

Doug & Seiko returned to Hiroshima Japan for several performances. We performed at Hiroshima Methodist Church. We gathered again and performed at Emmanuel Hiroshima Church. And International Gospel League Nursing Home. It was a wonderful time and each one was special in its own way.

Washington State Fair Promotion

September 2nd 2017:

Doug & Seiko performed with our very talented pianist and friend, Cori Belle at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup Washington. We enjoyed sharing a 45 minute concert of our music along with a few other favorites. 

Two Hearts Poster

November 19th 2016

Doug & Seiko proudly released their first ever CD during a concert they presented with the help of many friends including musicians from Kirkland Choral Society.

Seiko's Heart Christmas Concert 2016

December 10th 2016

Doug and Seiko presented their first Christmas Concert on December 10th 2016 in Hiroshima Japan. They really had a wonderful time preparing for this concert as well as performing to their friends and family.

December 2016- Hiroshima Nakasuji Kindergarten

Seiko and Doug perform at a local Hiroshima kindergarten for a hundred students and some of their mothers. It was a fun time. The children were enthusiastic and attentive. 

August 2016 - Rock The Church - Langus Riverfront Park, Everett Washington.

Doug and Seiko perform a short set at an annual event featuring local christian artists.

April 2015 - Hiroshima Jogaquin Alumni Reuinion

Seiko performs for her High School & College reunion in Hiroshima. It was a fun time to share her passions and talents with her friends, family and former teachers.

June 16th, 2015

Seiko had a wonderful opportunity to share her talent and passion with a group of women representing the wives of United Nations Ambassadors and female Ambassadors for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. More than 150 countries were represented. Women from around the world shared in the love and joy Seiko gave. It was a moving event.

Seiko performs for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

June 15th 2014

Seiko returned home to Hiroshima to perform her first solo concert in Japan. This was also an introduction of Doug to her friends and family. And the introduction of our music "In A Song (Seiko's Song)" to Japan. It was a very special concert. The church filled with love and was filled beyond overflowing with people who were there to hear Seiko. Much laughter and tears abound.

Seiko's Hiroshima concert poster
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